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Why You Should Get Your Roof Cleaned Professionally

Why you should get your roof cleaned professionally

The importance of taking good care of your roof cannot be overstated. Without a healthy roof, your home is vulnerable to moisture damage and the elements! Most homeowners are proactive about taking care of their roofs when there's obvious visible damage, but many overlook the importance of cleaning their roofs. Here is why professional roof cleaning is important for maintaining the health of your roof and increasing its longevity!

Protect Your Roof From Algae, Fungus And Moss

There are a number of harmful things that grow on people's roofs. The most common culprit is black algae, which is responsible for most of the big ugly black streaks you see on people's roofs or sidings. This algae isn't just ugly, it feeds upon your shingles, drying them out and aging them! This is why soft washing algae off of your roof is important- it's not just about looks, it's also about keeping your shingles in shape.

Algae can progress into lichen or moss, which are even more destructive. Not only are these harder to remove than algae, but they also tend to absorb a lot of moisture- moss especially does this. This adds more weight to your roof and promotes moisture damage that can penetrate within the home itself. These, along with mold or mildew growths, can lead to serious problems for your home if not cleaned away.

Inspect For Damages

You might be able to notice serious damage to your roof from the ground, but there could be less visible damage to your roof that can become just as serious if not managed. While a professional cleaner is up there, they can check for hazards like broken shingles or wood rot. Some of these hazards take a trained eye to see, as the common homeowner may not know all the telltale signs of trouble. A good roof care professional can check for hazards and advise you of them quickly.

Lowers Your Energy Bill

When you have a lot of growth or debris on your roof, all of that stuff locks extra heat in rather than reflecting it out. In the summer months, your house has to work harder to account for that extra heat, causing your AC to work overtime and your electric bills to ratchet up. By having that debris and mess safely soft-washed away, you positively impact your home's energy efficiency.

Professional cleaning care is vital for your roof, and it can be paired with gutter cleaning for an all-over inspection of the uppermost part of your home. At TWC Window Cleaning, we take the time to not only safely soft wash your roofs clean, but to tackle any other hazards we see and help warn you about issues with your roof before they become serious.

We take this in-depth cleaning and inspection approach with all of our services - window cleaning, gutter cleaning, house washing, and beyond. If you want to assure the integrity and safety of any part of your home while having it professionally cleaned, we're the right team to call. We're always looking for ways to help our customers feel safer and more secure in their homes.

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